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Barbute Build - update 1

Hello folks, Here is the latest progress on my 15th century barbute build.

I decided that the T-slot was not working out for me, I had expanded the size of it to improve vision for SCA combat use. This however had the effect of upsetting the look of the helm, and not really giving me that much more vision. So I moved to another extant style with this more "Heart" shaped face.

extant example

- extant example

-My take on the design

I feel from a function standpoint this was a correct choice, this is intended to be my field helmet, and vision and ventilation are important.

the cheeks may be a bit too large still, but it is better to have material to remove rather than have taken too much off, some refinement of the shape will be needed with the angle grinder and hand file.

Next steps on this project will be done with a heating torch, I will need to define the crest better, and blend the weld line in along the skull.

If nothing else, I get to look like homeless mega man.

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