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Longsword hilt

This Christmas I was lucky to be gifted a new Castille Armory Mark V feder blade by my lovely Wife. Being the craftsman that I am, I decided I wanted to create my own hilt for the sword.

Below is my progress thus far on the project.

The longsword was popular from the late 14th century through the 16th.

The federschewert is a training tool used in the study of longsword. The name is German in origin and means "feather sword". It includes a flat blade, and large "ears" near the hilt called the shield. It is designed to help balance the sword, and to protect the hands better from errant blows during training.

By Paulus Hector Mair - Frame from Paulus Hector Mair's Vienna Fechtbuch (1540s)., Public Domain,

This project has been a collaboration between myself and Master Llewelyn ap Goddodin (MSCA) MKA Brian Dimmock.

Blade constructed by Castille Armory:

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